Sunday, June 5, 2011

June 5th: Cookies and Spine Punches

I just kind of smushed all the awarded cookies into one post. All spine punches were for the June 4th game.

Tommy Hottovy - 24 cookies for that nifty double play on Saturday.
Munchkin - 16 cookies, 1 spine punch - plus 9 for all the things he does, spine punch for the error Saturday.
Varitek - 12 cookies.
Drew - 12 cookies for the win on Saturday.
Crawford - 10 cookies - plus 12 for the three games of greatness.
Papi - 8 cookies
Ellsbury - 3 cookies
Aceves - 3 cookies - earned 3 for Saturday's performance
Wakefield - 1 cookie
Jenks - 1 cookie for not being awful
Ernie - -12 cookies
Lackey - -23 cookies, because I don't like him
Cameron - 1 Timlin spine punch.
Youk - 1 Timlin spine punch for the misplay on Saturday
Tito - 1 Timlin spine punch for bad decisions on Saturday
Paps - 1 Timlin spine punch for... yeah, you get the idea.

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